Commuting into London? Here are the Best Ways to Save Money 

Commuting into London can come with a number of obstacles and annoyances, from having to balance on a moving train at 6:30 in the morning to having your personal space invaded by strangers. One disadvantage to commuting into the city that is a bit harder to ignore is the hole it leaves in your bank account. 

Whether you are taking the train, the tube, your car, or the bus into work every day, it is a great financial strain that daily commuters have to make peace with in order to reach the office on time in the morning. It may be hard to believe, but there are actually some simple and super effective ways to save some pennies on your commute. Don’t believe us? Check out these tips and thank us later!

How to Save Money on Your Commute

There are several savvy and simple ways to save some extra pennies on your commute, which will eventually accumulate into significant savings. 

  • Rent a parking space

One of the most daunting parts of driving into work early in the morning is the stress of finding a parking spot that is close enough to the office, without it causing you to go into debt. Parking in London in particular can prove a very challenging and difficult ordeal. Renting a parking space through Stashbee is a great way to avoid that scrambling and nauseating feeling, whilst still being an affordable option.

The platform is incredibly easy and straightforward to use: simply enter the postcode of the area you wish to park in and a list of suitable options will be generated in seconds. It gives you the choice to opt for short-term, long-term, or hourly parking right in the heart of the city. Using Stashbee to find a parking space is a great way to save yourself both stress and money.

  • Buy a more economical car 

I know what you’re thinking: you’re trying to save money here, not break the bank on a brand new expensive car. But hear me out! One of the best ways to save money on your daily commute is by investing in an eco-friendly car that will help you save money on fuel and is generally a lot cheaper to run. The long-term savings will be completely worth it as more money can go towards parking costs. Plus, there are so many online guides and articles that can help steer you towards picking the best car for your needs if you are unsure which vehicle to opt for. 

  • Reduce car insurance costs 

You have to insure your car in order to be on the road, but what you don’t have to do is pay an arm and a leg for that coverage. Make sure you take the time to shop around for the best deals out there! It may be really easy to just auto-renew your current deal, but this is where insurers thrive and cash in on customer laziness – after all, they keep the best deals hidden away for new customers. An effective way of reducing your premium is by increasing the excess you’d pay if claimed – just be sure not to increase it so much that the new amount is something you can’t actually afford!

save money on commute

There are so many simple and effective ways to save money on commuting without inconveniencing yourself in the slightest. By taking the time to do a bit of extra research, you can save a very pretty penny. Driving into work has never been easier, and reaching your end destination knowing that there is a sweet parking spot waiting for you is a peace of mind worth investing in.


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