Advertisement feature in association with Silk’n Yep, that’s right. Who doesn’t want a life free from ‘worrying about vaginal inconveniences’? It’s a quote from the Silk’n website and the turn of phrase made me smile. I pictured trying to get into a car park, late for a meeting, and being blocked by a row of inconveniently placed vaginas. It’s not that obviously. What it actually refers to is all of those issues that come with age, childbirth and menopause – weakening vaginal walls, urinary incontinence, diminished sexual pleasure – all those really FUN things that we experience as women. God, it’s a great life isn’t it? You may remember that a while ago I went and had my vagina zapped at a clinic in London to tackle the same issues, and as great as it was, that was a one off treatment that only lasted for around 18 months. It was also pricey and had to be done by an expert. The Silk’n Tightra has a similar aim, but it’s the first of these kind of ‘women’s intimate health’ devices that you can use at home. It’s also a lot more affordable – buy it direct from the Silk’n website at the moment for £309. Silk’n Tightra uses clinically tested and proven Bi-Polar Radiofrequency energy – the same technology that’s used a lot in facial treatments to tighten and rejuvenate skin. Home facial devices have become increasingly popular as an alternative to paying for expensive clinical treatments, and the Silk’n Tightra is just like this, only for your downstairs bits. Here’s a proper video explaining exactly how it works, in case my incredibly high tech explanation wasn’t enough:

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Note to my Dad: this is one of those posts you’ll want to skip over. I was out for dinner a little while ago with some friends. We’d had a small half glass of wine or so and we were talking about boys. We were discussing one boy in particular, who I had happened to say in passing that I thought was nice. ‘Ooohhh!’ said one of my so called friends, ‘I’ll message him and tell him you LOVE HIM!’ ‘I don’t LOVE HIM,’ I pointed out, ‘I just said he was NICE.’ She messaged him to tell him I loved him. God. ‘While you’re there though,’ I said, only slurring very slightly, ‘you could casually drop in my renovated vagina?’ Everyone looked at me. ‘Renovated? Like with scaffolding?’ ‘Oh,’ I said, the half glass of wine clearly muddling me, (an allergic reaction maybe?), ‘not renovated. REJUVENATED. That’s it. My vaginal tissues have been rejuvenated.’ We got distracted then by talk of my vagina, and then the fried camembert arrived, so I don’t think the boy had the opportunity to be seduced by my vaginal tissues, rejuvenated or otherwise. Probably for the best. A pretty dinner and wine photo in lieu of a close up vaginal tissue shot

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NOTE: If you want a three month follow up to the Geneveve treatment I have also written a follow up Geneveve treatment review. There is literally so much opportunity for hilarity in this post that I don’t know where to start. It’s a serious subject – my vagina and the laxity thereof – but also, it’s my VAGINA, so. Also, as serious a subject as it may be, it’s always good to be able to have a laugh about these things isn’t it? I mean sure, the woman we saw when my Mum and I went to register my Gran’s death wasn’t exactly on board with that as a concept, but I think it’s important to be able to laugh about serious things – it helps us talk about them. Where to begin? First up I’m imagining your mind boggling a little at the term ‘vaginal laxity.’ I don’t blame you. Let’s not get carried away though, nothing is flapping about in the breeze like the proverbial wizard’s sleeve, it’s just a term used to describe what happens naturally to your vaginal tissue as it ages and after it has gone through trauma like childbirth. Your vagina is made up of collagen fibres, just like your skin, and it’s natural that over time it can lose its strength and shape. Still with me? Okay. So, while this loosening is to some extent ‘normal’, it can have a significant impact on our lives. It can play a part in urinary incontinence and it can impact on sexual sensation and satisfaction. Neither of these are things you should feel that you just have to put up with, especially if they are changing the way you go about your day to day life. If you’re not enjoying sex any more, or are worrying about…

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Last year I got an email from a couple of lovely ladies who run a company called Masked Pony Productions. They asked if I’d be interested in writing a short comedy sketch based on my blog for a new mum comedy short series. ‘Absolutely!’ I said, Googling how to write comedy sketches. They wanted something that was in the style of my usual writing, perhaps inspired by some of my most popular posts. One of my personal favourites is the one where I get dressed up nicely for a smear test and the nurse can’t find my cervix, so I had to include reference to that. Bee’s favourite ever post is the one where I go to a cafe and a random family come and sit down ALL AROUND ME while I’m just trying to have a coffee. That had to be in there too. (Have a read – they are both funny.) I set to work. ‘This will be easy,’ I thought to myself. ‘I’m HILARIOUS.’ Turns out though that it’s actually pretty hard to write things that sound funny when they are said out loud by someone else. I mean sure, I can write stuff down and it sometimes makes people laugh when they read it, but writing a script is a whole different thing. Still, I had a bash. The idea is that the mum is so desperate for a bit of time away from her kids that she has pretended she has to go to a smear test. (Hopefully you’ll get that – otherwise I have done a BAD job.) This is the final result: (Try to laugh remember.) My best bit is the Granny saying ‘I’ve no idea’. It’s EXACTLY how the real life Granny said it to me in the coffee shop when they’d invaded my table, and that was…

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I had an email this morning from a PR I’ve person not worked with before with the offer of a review for my blog. ‘Hi Lovely!’ it began, which immediately made me want to punch the sender in the face. ‘Hope you’re well,’ she went on. ‘We are looking for a Mum who’s had several natural births, for a non-invasive £5K vaginal rejuvenation treatment on offer with top Harley Street Doctor.’ What the actual f***? My first thought was of the doctor adjusting his head torch, and going in with a feather duster and one of those Dulux tester posts of satin finish emulsion. And then I got pissed off. I wrote back. ‘Thanks for your email but it’s not one for me thanks,’ I said. ‘I have had two natural births which were, as you say, NATURAL. I’m quite happy with my vagina and do not want or need it rejuvenated. I find it very sad that women are made to believe that they would ever need to spend £5,000 on something as ridiculous as this.’ I mean come on. I hate this. I hate that women are conditioned to loathe their bodies to the point that they would consider spending actual money on having their VAGINAS REJUVENATED. What the hell is the matter with the world?? Can we not just content ourselves with the MIRACLE THAT IS BIRTH?!?! ‘Oh yeah, I have grown and birthed two healthy human beings, but to be honest I think things are looking a bit shabby down there now, so I should probably have that tidied up.’ FOR WHO?? Who are we doing this for? I’m pretty sure it’s not for ourselves. Do you crouch over a mirror every morning and dream of rejuvenation? After the treatment would you get dressed thinking ‘I’m so glad I…

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Okay, I’m going to tell you an embarrassing personal story. Not many people know this, and I’m only telling you now to illustrate how important it is to look after your pelvic floor. This is selfless public humiliation at its best. So, picture the scene… I’m 17 years old. About two weeks ago I gave birth to the lovely Bee. I’m sat on my bed, Bee is lying next to me. A couple of friends from college have come round to have a look at her. (I’m still friends with them now. They will know who they are, but they don’t think they know that this is what happened, so let’s hope they can still look me in the eye next time we meet.) We’re chatting away, very casually – it’s all good. I decide I need to change Bee’s nappy, so I do it there on the bed. When I take off her nappy though, she decides that actually, now is the moment that she wants to wee, and so she does, in a huge arc, all over me. It’s hilarious. We all laugh. A lot. I mean genuinely a lot. I’m laughing really hard – so hard in fact that my recently battered vaginal area can’t quite keep up, and without being able to help it, suddenly Bee is not the only one who has done a wee on the bed. *pause while you readjust how you feel about me* Of course now I’m stuck. What can I do? I don’t want to say ‘Oh sorry, I appear to have just done a wee on the bed,’ so instead I have to just sit there, chatting away, until everyone is ready to leave. And then, just when you’d think it couldn’t get any more awkward, I have to then stay sat…

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Women’s bodies undergo significant transformations throughout their lives, with the period around and after 50 marking a particularly notable phase. This stage, encompassing menopause and the subsequent years introduces a series of changes that significantly impact health and well-being. It requires a nuanced understanding and an adapted approach to both care and lifestyle to navigate successfully. Menopause, in particular, heralds a time of profound physical and emotional adjustment, underlining the importance of informed, supportive strategies for managing these transitions. Menopause and Its Physical Effects Menopause is a defining moment in a woman’s life, characterized by the cessation of menstruation and significant hormonal shifts. These changes can lead to various physical symptoms, even including changes in one’s body scent due to hormonal fluctuations, which may cause concern or discomfort. Acknowledging and accepting these changes as natural and seeking appropriate personal care solutions are crucial steps in maintaining confidence and comfort during this transition. Hot flashes and night sweats are among the most common and challenging symptoms, often described as intense heat sensations that can disrupt daily life and sleep patterns. Vaginal dryness, another symptom, can affect intimate relationships, requiring open communication and possibly medical advice to manage effectively. These symptoms highlight the body’s complex response to hormonal changes, underscoring the need for compassionate self-care and possibly medical intervention to navigate this phase with dignity and comfort. The emotional landscape can also shift dramatically during menopause, with many women experiencing mood swings, anxiety, or a sense of loss. These feelings are valid responses to the body’s changes and can benefit from a supportive network of friends, family, and professionals. Understanding that these emotional fluctuations are part of the menopausal experience can provide comfort and a framework for seeking out resources and coping strategies. Hair, Nails, and Emotional Adjustments The impact of menopause…

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Becoming a new mum brings immense joy, but also new challenges. Your body has undergone enormous changes during pregnancy and childbirth, and recovery takes time. One area that deserves special attention is the pelvic floor. Strengthening these important muscles can help you heal faster, regain bladder control, improve intimacy, and prevent long-term issues like prolapse. But where do you start? This guide will walk you through 5 simple yet effective pelvic floor exercises tailored for postpartum women. Let’s get started on the journey toward pelvic floor fitness! Paying attention to this often-overlooked area of core muscles can make a world of difference as you heal and adjust to life with your new baby. Understanding the Pelvic Floor Anatomy of the Pelvic Floor The pelvic floor is a group of muscles that support the bladder, uterus, and bowel. Located between the pubic bone and tailbone, these muscles form a hammock-like sling. Many are surprised to learn that both men and women have a pelvic floor! In women, it has the vital job of holding up the pelvic organs and providing strength and stability. The major pelvic floor muscles include the levator ani, coccygeus, pubococcygeus, and iliococcygeus. These work together to contract and relax as needed for bladder and bowel control. They also stabilize and support the pelvis during movement and childbirth. Strong pelvic floor muscles are crucial for avoiding issues like incontinence and prolapse. Why Pelvic Floor Health Matters After pregnancy and delivery, the pelvic floor needs special attention. Vaginal births, episiotomies, and C-sections can overstretch or damage these muscles. It’s common to experience urinary leakage when coughing or sneezing as the pelvic floor heals. Starting targeted exercises, once signed off by a doctor, can help new mums regain strength and function. Continuing them long-term preserves support and prevents problems down…

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Everyone wants to maintain their sex toys clean and sanitary, and doing so is simple with the appropriate approach and cleaning solutions. Proper sex toy cleaning and storage may be the difference between your pleasure items lasting a lifetime and them falling apart after only a few uses, so keep reading to learn how to care for your valued toy collection. The fundamentals of cleaning sex toys To maintain maximum cleanliness, clean your sex toys before and after using them. All you need for cleaning is hot water, a high-quality sex toy cleaner (available from most adult shops), and a clean dry towel or kitchen roll. Before we get into the specific regulations for each type of device, we will walk you through our basic cleaning procedure for sex toys. To clean toys, rinse them briefly and then spritz them with your preferred Sex Toy Cleaner. Allow it to sit for 30 seconds, then gently clean any tough spots (such as ridges or knobs) before washing the cleanser away with warm water. To dry, you may either let your toys air dry on clean kitchen roll sheets or quicken their dry time by drying them with a clean towel. By carefully cleaning and completely drying your toys, you will avoid dust and bacteria beginning to build up and keep your toys feeling and looking like new. Cleaning a Vibrator When it comes to motorized toys like vibrators, you want to avoid causing water damage that will prevent your toy from operating. The idea is to use a wet towel and sex toy cleaning or soap to clean the sex toy without immersing it in water. How to Care for a Dildo If your dildo is motorized (needs batteries or is charged), follow the same rules as for a vibrator: do…

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I’m not saying I have continence issues, but if I’m out for a walk and I sneeze twice in a row, then yes, I’m going to stop for the second sneeze and cross my legs a little bit. I wouldn’t necessarily pee my pants right there in the street, but who wants to take that chance? I’ve had two babies, two vaginal deliveries and I’m going through the perimenopause. My pelvic floor probably isn’t going to be getting any five star Trip Advisor reviews. (‘The owner has tried their best but it’s a draughty and the decor could do with a spruce…’) Heaven forbid I want to do anything like go for a jog or take a trampolining class. Sure, I don’t want to do either of these things, but still, it’s nice to have options. It’s important to say at this point that having a couple of kids and getting old does not mean you have to accept continence issues. Just because they might be common, doesn’t mean they’re something you have to just suck up and get on with. Although many women will do the second sneeze squeeze, if you’re experiencing any kind of incontinence it’s always worth going to your GP as a first step, as there may well be medical things that can be done to help. That said, as we get older and things get a little on the crumbly side, leaks do happen and chances are that incontinence is going to play some kind of role in your life. You may end up with a medical condition that brings incontinence as a side effect, or perhaps you’re looking after an elderly relative who needs some support and you’re looking for help with that. Continence poverty One of the most distressing aspects of incontinence, one that is…

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Every pregnancy is a beautiful journey that comes in a package of three: blood, sweat and tears. It is normal for you to experience bleeding after pregnancy and delivery, and its duration and flow will vary from one woman to another. While most cases of bleeding after birth are normal, the puzzle is distinguishing between normal bleeding after delivery and excessive or abnormal bleeding, which may require medical intervention. Why do you bleed after birth? Bleeding after birth, known as “Lochia,” occurs because of the natural healing processes that follow delivery. It is the body’s way of eliminating the excess tissue and blood that supported the pregnancy. It is a vaginal discharge consisting of blood, white blood cells, placental remnants, mucus, and uterine tissue. What is considered normal postpartum bleeding? Following delivery, there are several types of bleeding that you may experience, each with its own unique nature and duration. Immediately after delivery, it is common for you to experience bright red bleeding akin to a heavy menstrual period with clots. This is referred to as Lochia Rubra and typically spans a duration of around 3 to 4 days. After that, from about day 4-10, the color of your discharge should change to pinkish or brownish. This discharge contains less blood and more serous fluid, giving it its lighter color, known as Lochia Serosa. From the 2nd-6th week postpartum, the discharge transitions to a whitish or yellowish effluent in color. This is known as Lochia Alba and contains a mixture of mucus, white cells and other cellular materials from the uterine lining. The bleeding pattern described above is considered normal following vaginal delivery and should not be a cause for concern. If you had a Cesarean section, the amount and duration of lochia discharge would be significantly less because the…

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If you’re in a long-term relationship or a marriage, you know that it’s not always easy to keep the fires burning. People from all walks of life can suffer from dry spells or inactive sex life, but what you need to know is that your sex life is not always indicative of the quality of your relationship. Many outside influences such as work-related stress and daily chores can disrupt your intimacy. Sometimes, all it takes to change up the game and reignite the spark is an open mind! In this article, I want to show you the best male sex toys to use for solo masturbation or partnered sex to improve your sex life and eventually transform your relationship! Why male sex toys, you may ask? Well, we all know that standard dildos and vibrators made for women are fantastic tools for masturbation and partnered sex. But, the sex toy market has grown so much in the past decade, and you don’t have to limit yourself to the classic choices. There are tons of exciting options for male toys out there. They can fulfill your biggest fantasies and improve orgasms for both partners! So check out the best male sex toys you can try to spice up your sex life! Pleasure Ring Pleasure rings or C-rings are some of the most popular male toys. They are affordable, easy to use, and they provide tons of pleasure for you and your partner. These toys wrap around the base of a penis and use tension to safely restrict the blood flow during an erection. The primary purpose of C-rings is to help with erectile dysfunction, but anyone can use them for wild and exciting sexual acts. For one, they make the penis look bigger and harder, and they also maximize all of…

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