Back to school gallery

Today is officially back to school day.


Seriously, I think Belle would have just about exploded if she had stayed at home any longer. Over the course of the last week especially, the pressure has been building, the singing has been getting more high-pitched and manic sounding, and you can almost see my nerves fraying. (I’m picturing it in my head a bit like a cheesestring, my body sagging and getting weaker as layers of me are pulled away.)

To celebrate back to school week, I’ve put together a little gallery for you of our family school pictures. Yes it’s very self-indulgent, but this is a blog. Dur.

This first one is of me. I think I’m about seven years old, in my hand knitted school jumper, and it’s a perfect example of my mum’s infamous fringe cutting skills:

"back to school"

This is Bee in her very first year of primary school. Isn’t she just the most adorable thing you have ever seen? She basically looks the same now. This is the only haircut I know how to do:

"school photo"

And this is Belle at preschool, about two and a half years old. Bee and I like to thing of this as her NSPCC poster girl look. She really didn’t like being apart from me at that age:

"School photos"

Here’s to the start of a new term. May the school hours be peaceful ones.




  1. 3 September, 2012 / 1:00 pm

    we have another day and am counting down the hours

  2. 3 September, 2012 / 5:09 pm

    Aww beautiful girlies! You were very cute too. I’d say your fringe cutting skills are somewhat better than your mothers! :-) x

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