There are plenty of things that I know I am good at. I can design a nice spreadsheet, I can string a sentence together and I can make an excellent origami shrimp. Even things that lots of people struggle with, like public speaking and appearing on camera, aren’t especially daunting for me.

There are other things though that I recognise have never really been strengths. Cooking, cleaning, staying up past 10pm – none of these I have ever been great at. Sport is the other one. Some people just seem to be built for it – they have a natural grace and coordination that means they can just stick their hand out, without even looking, and catch a ball. I lack this. The last time I attempted to swim Belle said I looked like a sea lion having a fit.

I am OK with this. I accept that I can’t be perfect and that it doesn’t mean you can’t have a go.

I have been playing netball now for nearly two years and I really enjoy it. It proved to be a fantastic way for me to make friends when I was new to Bristol and in a bid not to be the slowest and sweatiest on the court it has even kickstarted what is sure to be a hugely successful running career. (I can now run for five whole minutes non-stop, a massive achievement for me.)  View Post
