Breathe safe at home during the winter + win a uHoo air quality sensor, worth $299

How’s the winter treating your nose, throat, sinuses and lungs so far? I woke up on Christmas day with a horrible sore throat – one of those where you brace yourself before you swallow, (as the actress said to the bishop) – and it seemed to do a tour of everyone in the house over the holidays. It’s also the time of the year when asthma, rhinitis and other respiratory allergies go crazy.
The cold weather plays a part in it, but the bigger culprit lurks within our own homes – for me it’s probably the mould growing on my bathroom ceiling… The infographic below, created by uHoo, is a simple guide that shows you why you get these attacks, its most common triggers and ways to prevent them.


uHoo air purifier winter colds

The guide above is a good start in keeping us informed and helping us in our decisions, but do check out uHoo to learn more about how you can reduce allergens at home and help prevent yourself and your child from getting an asthma, rhinitis or allergy attack. Also get a chance to win a uHoo by joining in with this giveaway!
It’s open worldwide and as well as on overall prize of a Uhoo, worth $299, there’s the chance to win a weekly $50 Amazon gift certificate too. Good luck!
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1 Comment

  1. Emma Riches
    14 February, 2016 / 10:13 am

    Fantastic prize, would love to win, as trying to get rid of mould in a new house

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